Celebrating May: Mother’s Day and Menstrual Health Month – A Message from Dr. Mary Shackelton

In the United States, we celebrate Mother’s Day in May. Although Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days in different countries, each mother throughout the world feels the same desire for their children. We envision and hope for them to be part of a safe, healthy, and thriving community. 


Women who have daughters get to witness their daughter’s menarche— or first menstruation. Depending on the cultural norms of their country, menarche is either celebrated  or stigmatized. This remains a pivotal moment in every young girl’s life. It is hard to forget your first menstruation-- and your daughter’s first menstruation— as this moment can shape one’s future.  


What did your mother teach you about menstruation? Perhaps you learned from your sister or grandmother? What have you observed in your communities and friendships about the variety of responses and obstacles that young women face when they first menstruate?  


Menstruating with dignity, understanding the biological process, gaining sufficiency around managing menstruation, and having access to menstrual supplies are all key factors that help a young woman stay safe and empowered during this big change in her life.  Understanding the physiological cues and events in a monthly cycle can empower a young woman to plan or avoid a pregnancy. 


Educational investments in the early years of a young woman’s life that are sustained through her teenage years provide a strong foundation for growth and can ultimately improve future educational and economic success for both the woman and the community.  


PridePads Africa remains committed to supporting women throughout Cameroon, knowing that each young girl who receives free biodegradable,locally-made menstrual pads has a better chance at completing her education and thus becoming her best self. While we provide our services directly for young girls in schools, we know that their mothers see the vital support their child is receiving. We hope these mothers feel that what we want for our child, we want for hers as well. 


This Menstrual Health Month, consider donating to PridePads Africa to help us reach our $2,800 goal-- $100 for each day of the menstrual cycle. Your generous donations allow us to continue providing menstrual health education seminars and free menstrual pads to local students, allowing them to stay in school while on their period.


Motherhood defines our common humanity. Joy, tears, and connection are some of the ties that connect us no matter where we are born or live. Menstrual hygiene education is essential  for young girls to grow and thrive. During the month of May where we are celebrating Mothers’ contributions to the success of their children, let us take a moment to remember this and commit to supporting moms and children everywhere. 

With heartfelt gratitude,

Dr. Mary Shackelton

Co-Founder of PridePads Africa