International Widows’ Day
International Widows’ Day
While schools are closed for holidays, our team in Ngaoundéré has been engaging local community groups. On International Widows’ Day, which is celebrated every June 23rd, our team met with a local group of widowed mothers. They discussed PridePads’ mission and encouraged the mothers to speak openly with their children about menstruation. During the event, many of the widows discussed the difficulties they face in providing for their families since their husband’s death. Stigma and financial strain were two areas in which the widows struggle the most, which includes providing food, shelter, and education for their children as well as themselves. In addition to participating in our menstrual health seminar, each of the 22 participants also received a package of PridePads. We look forward to continuing to work with local community groups and engaging as many participants as possible in the future!